Collection and Distribution of Recyclable Materials: Collecting Glass, Plastics,
Paper, Cardboards, Cans
Collection and Distribution of Recyclable Materials: Collecting Glass, Plastics,
Paper, Cardboards, Cans
Collection and Distribution of Recyclable Materials: Collecting Glass, Plastics,
Paper, Cardboards, Cans
How Can We Help You?
PAT Recycling (PTY} LTD is involved in the collection and distribution of recyclable materials;
View All ServicesOur Clientele
Our clientele includes but not limited to other recycling companies,Municipality (DSW) - Kerbside Project
(household orange bags pick-up), schools, communications and private companies.
+27 (0) 31 700 2832
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15 +Years Of
Unit 39, Westmead, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 3608
+27 (0) 31 700 2832
+27 (0) 82 884 1514
Please don't hesitate to send us a message. One of our
consultants will get back to you.